Our team

Pawel Gluchowski
Pawel Gluchowski (CEO) – a graduate of the Wrocław University of Technology (M. Sc. Eng. in Material Engineering), Institute of Low Temperature and Structural Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Physics, PhD degree) and Wrocław University of Economics (postgraduate studies in project management, Prince 2 certificate). Leader of three national projects and main contractor in eight national and two international projects (FP7, H2020), where he dealt with both research on innovative materials and project management. Author more than 80 international publications, 1 monograph and 4 patents (all international). Many scientific stays resulted in international cooperation with the Universities across the world and the development of a new class of optical and magnetic materials. During his research he also start cooperation with industrial partners to find best application for developed materials. Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer in three spin-off company dealing with commercialization of discovered and patented innovative magnetic soft materials.

Robert Tomala
He received a Master’s degree in computer-aided chemistry at the University of Wroclaw in 2012. Employed at the Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research, Polish Academy of Sciences in Wroclaw since 2013, where obtained a PhD in chemical sciences in 2019. His scientific interests concern
the synthesis and characterization of materials exhibit luminescence properties, such as nanocrystals, nano and micro ceramics and thin films. The main goal of his work is to investigate the optical and electrical properties of materials under excitation of high power density of laser beam and investigations of phosphors for general lighting. Co-author of more than 80 scientific publications published in international journals (H-index = 16) and five patents.

Wieslaw Strek
Advisory Board
Wieslaw Strek – graduated in physics from the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań in 1971. He received his doctorate in 1979, habilitation in 1983, and was appointed professor in 1991. At the Institute, he conducts research on luminescent materials, nonlinear optics, biophysics, sol-gel and nanotechnology. He is the author or co-author of over 600 publications, over 50 patents and patent applications. He has been on scientific internships in Denmark, France, Germany, Finland, Brazil, the USA and Israel many times. Lectured at numerous national and international conferences (over 100 lectures), visiting professor (Israel, Denmark, France, Brazil). Organizer and co-organizer of numerous (over 30) national and international conferences. Manager of Polish and international projects. In his career, he patented and implemented several solutions in technology companies such as Medical Center of Laser Techniques Laser Secura Systems, Haemato, Nano-Tech, Kriotechnika Medyczna, Nanovectors

Dr Marzena Fandzloch
She received a PhD in chemistry at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń in 2015. She gained her scientific experience during several research stays in Spain, France, and Belgium. Her broad scientific interests concern the synthesis, characterization and application of metal complexes, nanomaterials, biomaterials, and porous polymers. The main objective of her current research is the development of multifunctional hybrid materials based on biomaterials and Metal-Organic Frameworks. Leader of 3 national projects, co-author of 28 scientific publications published in international journals (H-index = 11) and 4 national patents. She is responsible for catalysts synthesis.

Dr Mykhailo Chaika
A graduate of the V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv, Ukraine (M. Sc. in Physics), Institute of Low Temperature and Structural Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Physics, Ph.D. degree). Leader of two national projects. Author more than 44 international publications, and 1 patent. The main research activity related to the sintering and investigating the different phosphors. Most studies connected with laser ceramics, single crystals, and nanopowders. He is responsible for equipment and processes involved laser induced white emission.

M.Sc. Agata Musiałek
A graduate of the University of Wrocław (M. Sc. specialization: chemistry of materials for modern technologies). Her work involves synthesis and investigation of optical properties of inorganic nanomaterials, mainly the white light emission generated by laser diode under high density power and photoconductivity measurements. She is responsible for synthesis of semiconductor and dielectric materials.

M.Sc. Daniela Kujawa
A graduate of the Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (M.Sc. Technical Physics – Nanoengineering, M.Sc. Materials Science). Her work involves synthesis and characterization of inorganic nanomaterials with designed optical, magnetic and photocatalytic properties. She is responsible for synthesis of magnetic and optical materials.

M.Sc. Agata Musiałek
A graduate of Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (M. Sc. Eng. in Chemistry and Materials Engineering). Her work involves the synthesis and study of 2D structures and their hybrids in the form of thin films that demonstrate photocatalytic properties promising for applications in photodegradation of water pollutants. She is responsible for synthesis of 2D materials.